Source code for pnp_mace.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utility functions."""

import requests
from io import BytesIO

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from PIL import Image

[docs]def load_img(path, convert_to_gray=True, convert_to_float=True): """Load an image given a filename or url. Args: path: data path, may be local, or url as a string beginning with `http` convert_to_gray: True to convert color images to grayscale convert_to_float: True to convert to floats and divide by 255 Returns: Grayscale image (numpy ndarray) """ if path[0:4] == "http": response = requests.get(path) local_image = else: local_image = # read image local_image = np.asarray(local_image) if convert_to_float: local_image = local_image.astype(float) local_image = local_image / 255.0 if (convert_to_gray and len(local_image.shape) > 2 and local_image.shape[2] == 3): local_image = (local_image[:, :, 0] * 299 / 1000.0 + local_image[:, :, 1] * 587 / 1000.0 + local_image[:, :, 2] * 114 / 1000.0) return np.asarray(local_image)
[docs]def display_image_nrmse(input_image, reference_image, title="", cmap='gray', fig=None, ax=None): """Display an image along with the NRMSE relative to the reference image in the title. Args: input_image: image to be displayed reference_image: reference image for calculating nrmse of input_image title: title for the plot cmap: colormap for image display fig : draw in specified figure instead of creating one ax : plot in specified axes instead of current axes of figure """ title = title + " [NRMSE: %.3f]" % nrmse(input_image, reference_image) display_image(input_image, title=title, cmap=cmap, fig=fig, ax=ax)
[docs]def display_image(input_image, title=None, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray', fig=None, ax=None): """Display an image in console using :mod:`matplotlib.pyplot` Args: input_image: image to be displayed title: title for the plot cmap: colormap for image display fig : draw in specified figure instead of creating one ax : plot in specified axes instead of current axes of figure """ figp = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() fig.clf() ax = fig.gca() elif ax is None: ax = fig.gca() im = ax.imshow(np.asarray(input_image), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) shape = np.asarray(input_image).shape orient = 'vertical' if shape[0] >= shape[1] else 'horizontal' pos = 'right' if orient == 'vertical' else 'bottom' divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes(pos, size="5%", pad=0.2) plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, cax=cax, orientation=orient) if figp is None:
[docs]def stack_init_image(init_image, num_images): """Create a list from a single image. Args: init_image: a single image to be copied and stacked num_images: number of copies to be included Returns: A list of copies of the original image (numpy ndarrays) """ init_images = [] for j in range(num_images): init_images.append(np.asarray(init_image.copy())) return init_images
[docs]def downscale(input_image, scale_factor, resample): """Downscale the image via decimation by the given factor in each direction. Args: input_image: input image as a numpy array scale_factor: upscale factor resample: interpolation type as in PIL.Image (NEAREST = NONE = 0, LANCZOS = 1, BILINEAR = 2, BICUBIC = 3, BOX = 4, HAMMING = 5) Returns: Downscaled image (numpy ndarray) """ new_image = upscale(input_image, 1 / scale_factor, resample) return np.asarray(new_image)
[docs]def upscale(input_image, scale_factor, resample): """Upscale the image via replication by the given factor in each direction. Args: input_image: input image scale_factor: upscale factor resample: interpolation type as in PIL.Image (NEAREST = NONE = 0, LANCZOS = 1, BILINEAR = 2, BICUBIC = 3, BOX = 4, HAMMING = 5) Returns: Upscaled image (numpy ndarray) """ new_img = Image.fromarray(input_image) size = np.round(scale_factor * np.array(new_img.size)).astype(int) return np.asarray(new_img.resize(size, resample))
[docs]def nrmse(image, reference): """Calculate the NRMSE of an image with respect to a reference. Args: image: input image to be compared with reference reference: reference image Returns: Root mean square error of the difference of image and reference, divided by the root mean square of the reference """ nrmse = (np.sqrt(np.mean((np.asarray(image) - np.asarray(reference)) ** 2)) / np.sqrt(np.mean(np.asarray(reference) ** 2))) return np.round(nrmse, decimals=3)
[docs]def add_noise(clean_image, noise_std, seed=None): """Add Gaussian white noise to an image. Args: clean_image: input image noise_std: standard deviation of noise to be added seed: seed for random number generator Returns: image with noise added, clipped to valid range of values (numpy ndarray) """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) noise = noise_std * np.random.standard_normal( np.asarray(clean_image).shape) noise = np.squeeze(noise) noisy_data = np.asarray(clean_image) + noise noisy_image = np.clip(noisy_data, 0, 1) return noisy_image