
Stable release

The pnp_mace package requires python 3.6 or higher, and it’s recommended that you install in a virtual environment. If those conditions are satisfied, you can install pnp_mace by running this command in your activated virtual environment in your terminal:

pip install pnp_mace

Then move on to Running the Demos

Detailed installation instructions

If you don’t know which version of python you have or whether you have a virtual environment or if you have pip, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Create a directory, say pnp_mace_code and change into this directory (or change to the PnP-MACE/demo directory if you’ve downloaded from github).

  2. In a terminal, enter python --version. If this returns 2.X.Y, then use

python3 -m venv new_venv
source new_venv/bin/activate

Otherwise use

python -m venv new_venv
source new_venv/bin/activate

After this step, python will be mapped to a version of python and supporting code that are appropriate for the pnp_mace package. Even if your original python mapped to version 2, now when you enter python --version you should get 3.X.Y.

  1. In the same terminal window, enter pip install pnp_mace

Now the pnp_mace package is available in python using import pnp_mace or import pnp_mace as pnpm

When you are finished using pnp_mace, enter deactivate to exit this virtual environment.

The next time you want to use pnp_mace, change to the directory you created above and enter source new_venv/bin/activate. You do not need to use pip a second time.

Running the demos

  1. Follow the installation instructions above and activate the virtual environment.

  2. If you already have the PnP-MACE/demo directory from then change into that directory (you can get this by downloading the tarball and uncompress). Otherwise change into the directory you created during installation and download all the files at

  3. In your terminal window, enter pip install -r requirements_demo.txt

  4. In your terminal window, enter python You should get some text output regarding the operation of the demo, followed shortly by some images demonstrating the reconstruction. Repeat for the remaining demos.

From sources

The sources for PnP-MACE can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

$ git clone

(see to install git) or download the tarball:

$ curl -OJL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with:

$ python install