
The demos folder in the github repo ( includes simple demos illustrating an elementary approach to superresolution and a CT example with high-dynamic-range images.

These demos are not meant to be state-of-the-art either in terms of reconstruction quality or run-time performance. Rather, they are meant to be an invitation to explore these algorithms, to try alternative priors, to understand the effect of parameters on the reconstruction, and to adapt the code to other applications.

The demo folder under includes both .py files to be run with python and Jupyter notebooks that can be opened in Google colaboratory for experimentation online.

See the instructions under Running the demos in the Installation instructions to run the demos.

Select the demo names below to see more detailed descriptions.


This demo illustrates a 2D tomography example using a high-dynamic range phantom.


This demo illustrates the solution of a MACE problem using Mann iteration and the stacked operators F and G.


Overview: A simple demo to demonstrate the solution of a PnP problem The forward model is a subsampling operation, and the prior agent is the bm3d denoiser.
