Source code for pnp_mace.equilibriumproblem

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""EquilibriumProblem class and solution methods."""

import numpy as np
import copy

[docs]class EquilibriumProblem: """Class providing a container and interface to various equilibrium formulations and solution algorithms. """ def __init__(self, agents, solution_method, params): """ Define the basic elements of the equilibrium problem. Args: agents: list of forward and prior agents solution_method: callable method to find a solution params: parameters used by the solution method """ self.agents = agents self.solution_method = solution_method self.solution_params = params
[docs] def solve(self, init_image): """ Interface to algorithm to solve the problem. Args: init_image: Initial image for iterative reconstruction Returns: DotMap with solution and any information about convergence and residual """ return self.solution_method(init_image, self.agents, self.solution_params)
# Particular solution methods below
[docs]def mann_iteration_mace(init_images, agents, params): r"""Apply Mann iterations. Apply Mann iterations of the form :math:`x(k+1) = (1 - \rho) x(k) + \rho (2G - I)(2F - I)(x)` :cite:`buzzard-2018-plug` Args: init_images: A list of images to be used as a stacked vector input to the agents agents: A list of agents, both forward and prior params: `` gives weighting of agents (should be positive adding to 1), `params.rho` gives Mann parameter, `params.num_iters` gives number of iterations, `params.added_noise_std` gives the noise level added to each iteration for generative MACE Returns: A list of output images after num_iters """ mu = # array of positive real numbers adding to 1 rho = params.rho # Mann iteration weight - 0 gives the identity map num_iters = params.num_iters added_noise_std = 0 if "added_noise_std" in params: added_noise_std = params.added_noise_std num_agents = len(agents) assert (len( == num_agents) assert (np.min(mu) > 0) assert (np.abs(np.sum(mu) - 1) < 0.00001) # Get memory cur_images = init_images next_images = copy.deepcopy(init_images) save_all_images = False all_images = [] if ("keep_all_images" in params) and params.keep_all_images: save_all_images = True all_images = np.zeros([*init_images[0].shape, num_iters]) if ("verbose" in params) and params.verbose: print_output = True print("Starting Mann iterations") else: print_output = False # Apply Mann iterations for j in range(num_iters): if added_noise_std > 0: cur_images = [cur + added_noise_std*np.random.randn( *cur.shape) for cur in cur_images] temp_images = F(agents, cur_images) # 2F-I temp_images = [2 * temp - cur for temp, cur in zip( temp_images, cur_images)] next_images = G(mu, temp_images, next_images) if save_all_images: all_images[..., j] = next_images[0] # 2G-I next_images = [2 * nxt - temp for nxt, temp in zip( next_images, temp_images)] # (1-rho) I + rho (2G - I) (2F - I) next_images = [(1 - rho) * cur + rho * nxt for cur, nxt in zip(cur_images, next_images)] cur_images = copy.deepcopy(next_images) if print_output: print("Finished iteration " + str(j+1) + " of " + str(num_iters)) # Calculate the residuals and vectors next_images = G(mu, cur_images, next_images) temp_images = F(agents, cur_images) vectors = [temp - cur for temp, cur in zip(temp_images, cur_images)] residuals = [nxt - temp for nxt, temp in zip(next_images, temp_images)] return cur_images, residuals, vectors, all_images
[docs]def F(agents, images_in): """The stacked agent map. Takes a list of agents and a list of images and applies each agent to the corresponding image. Args: agents: List of agents images_in: List of input images Returns: List of output images after applying the agents """ images_out = [agent(img) for agent, img in zip(agents, images_in)] return images_out
[docs]def G(mu, images_in, images_out): """The stacked averaging map. Takes a list of images, applies a weighted average, and redistributes them in a list. Args: mu: Weights for the average images_in: List of input images images_out: List of output images (used to provide memory for the output) Returns: Averaged input images, copied into the list images_out """ image_average = np.sum([m * img for m, img in zip(mu, images_in)], axis=0) for j in range(len(images_in)): images_out[j] = np.copy(image_average) return images_out